I cordiallywelcome you to our virtual but realistic home – Dong Fang Hong!
Our School’snamesake, Dong Fang Hong, carries a mission that our school will definitely beshining.
From early2020, our learning community implemented a remarkable pivot to remoteinstruction in response to fight against COVID-19. Right at this moment, in theUSA, a majority of students who are supposed to participate in in-personeducation are still taking remote tutoring. However, luckily, in China, thepandemic has been effectively controlled. All students have returned to thecampus.
As theglobalization goes deeper and deeper, as a foreign principal of Dong Fang Hong,I can firmly share the core mission – Rooted in China and Marchinternationally. This has never been more essential than today. Right here inBeijing, we are committed to creating young people who have integrity and whocan excel in what they do. Our students pursue higher education at some world'sprestigious universities where they keep harnessing the talents instilled bythe Dong Fang Hong education.
Our schoolis a community which has the students, parents and staff at its heart. As aparent, you will have the opportunity to share the child's journey with othersincluding the ‘Family – School Committee’ network and our broadly acclaimed'Parent Participation Program.'
Teaching atDong Fang Hong is a really rewarding experience. All our staff are dedicatedand determined to encourage all the students in their care. There is a clearvision to achieve academic excellence but also to develop an empoweredindividual who can magnify their own strengths and undertake challenges. Thisis partly achieved through the Dong Fang Hong system which is unique along withour enrichment programs consisting of arts and sport.
As anexperienced parent and principal myself, I know that choosing the right schoolfor your child is one of the most crucial decisions you will ever finalize.Here at Dong Fang Hong, we have a dedicated team of talents keen to help youwith that decision.
Foreign principal: Dr. Thomas Gehl